The Origins of the games

Morebattle Games originated from the Morebattle Fishing Club competition which started in 1869 with the weigh-in of baskets in this annual competition held in a field near Grubbit, owned by Mr Cunningham. A picnic was held after the prizes were awarded. Then a large crowd participated in competitions and races.

The tradition was carried on until 1894 when Mr Cunningham was approached to see if a second picnic with competitions and races could be held early in August, a date was fixed for the second Saturday in August, 1894.This marks the start of the Morebattle Games as an official sports event now held annually in the Haugh at Morebattle Tofts

 Morebattle Games 1906            

In 1894 Saturday was one of the annual fete days in Morebattle, the occasion was the summer outing and Sports in connection with the working men’s fishing club. In the village itself the day was recognised as a holiday and music played at 12 o’clock brought all the loyal inhabitants to the cross.Here a procession was formed , headed by J Scott who bore aloft the old flag of the village, a move was made to the Haugh, the use of which was kindly granted for the occasion by Mr Cuningham.

On arrival at the Haugh the programme of sports was immediately started.At about 7pm the sports finished and an hour was spent dancing, violin music being supplied by Messrs J & R Pender Burnfoot, W Lillie Burnfoot and Burns, Caverton Mill.Acting asMaster of ceremonies, Mr W White was reportedly the right man in the right place keeping splendid order.

Mr T laidlaw was at his post as secretary assisted by Messrs G.C. Scott, Adam Hawkins, T Craig and J Cairns whilst catering ( on temperance principles) was undertaken by Messrs R Fox, T Larbert, W Halliday, J Reid and R Welsh.Mr W Scott acted as starter and the judges were Messrs And Scott and J Hewitson, Caverton.At eight o’clock the proceedings were brought to a close, the procession was reformed and a homeward MOVE MADE.At the village cross dancing was once more enjoyed until evening.

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