Festival Week 2016

Festival Week 2016

Program of events for each day of week

The sashing of the  2016 Games Queen will take place during the service
at Morebattle Church on Sunday 24th July at 11:15 am.

Friday 5th August: we have a new event for 2016, Indoor Kurling (all age groups) singles competition from 7pm at the  Village Hall, registration and draw on the night.
Graeme Lang, Runner up: Sasha Jackson

Saturday 6th August: Car Treasure Hunt, leaving Temple Hall at 6pm registration from 4pm, entry £10 per car.
(Els Bells) – Ellie & Paige McBlain & Jean, Stuart & Danielle McNulty

Sunday 7th August: this year the Boys & Girls Five-A-Side Football Competition will take place at the School playing field at 1pm
Tony DiLorenzo, Ewan Marshall, Ruaridh Scott, David Douglas, Graeme Lang, Joe Flannigan .
Runners-up: Robbie DiLorenzo, Jason Scott, Greg Cessford, Sam Johnstone, Cameron Johnstone, Ryan Sudlow.
3rd place: 
Andrew Scott, Connor Anderson, Ben Townsend, Archie Barbour, Aly Johnstone, & Sasha Jackson.
Family Day which followed on from the football
Welly throwing: Girls: Emma Thomson, Boys: Greg Cessford, Ladies: Morag Thomson, Gents: Stan Scott
Penalty kick Winners: Junior:
Archie Barbour Senior: Ryan Sudlaw
Bouls Winner:
Greg Cessford.

Monday 8th August Coffee Evening in Village Hall at 7pm then  Family Bingo in Templehall Lounge 8:30pm promptTuesday 9th August Camera Club Exhibition in Institute
Times 2 – 4pm  6 – 8pm Teas & Raffle.

Pool Competition at Village Hall for the Challenge Cup 7:30pm
Enter on night at Village Hall.
Andrew Scott, Runner-up: Ryan Sudlaw

Wednesday 10th August Whist & Dominoes in the Village Hall
7pm for 7:30pm Admission £2.00 children £0.50
Winners Ladies 1st
Greta Middlemas, 2nd Hannah Wilson 3rd E. McCreadie,  4th Lizzie Thomson, Booby Betty Fleming, Longest Sitter Mary Tait.  Gents 1st Christine Gibson, 2nd Jock Middlemas, 3rd Scottie Wight, 4th Dorothy Corrie,  Booby Sheena, Longest Sitter Mary McTaggart.
Winners Dominoes 1st Lucy Thomson, 2nd Dale Adams, 3rd Brenda Burke 4th Morag Thomson.

Thursday 11th August Children’s Egg Hunt & Teddy Bears Picnic at School playfield for under 6’s at 2:30pm (bring your own teddy)
Treasure Hunt at School Playfield: for 6 – 12 years at 2:30pm
Teddy Bear Competition 1st
Ewan McIntosh 2nd Logan O’Mara, 3rd Evie Anderson-Adams
Beetle Drive  1st David Douglas, 2nd equal Megan Douglas & Dale Adams, 3rd Emily Anderson-Adams,  Special Prize – Beth Thomson
Pet Show at School Playfield 6:30pm
Most Gorgeous Dog  1st
Wilma Souter with Maddie, 2nd   Georgia Thomson with Callie  3rd  Lucy Thomson with Robbie
Best Trickster  1st  Sarena Cook with Gunner,  2nd Lucy Thomson with Robbie  3rd Alfie Stevens with Suzie.
Waggiest Tail  1st 1st Sarena Cook with Gunner,  2nd Tamara Cook with Patch,  3rd Archie Barbour with Freddie.
Dog most like owner  1st Beth Thomson with Callie, 2nd Wilma Souter with Maddie,  3rd Ellie McBlain with Lola.
Most exciting small furry 1st Matthew Little with Gingerbread the Hamster.  2nd Emma Thomson with Tigger the Cat.

Friday 12th August Fancy Dress Parade Judging at Village Hall 6:30pm Parade followed to Family Disco in Temple hall Lounge thereafter, presentation of cups and results of the Scarecrow Competition
Children 7 & under 1st
Alfie Stevens as Morebattle in Bloom Scarecrow,                      2nd Evie Leonard as Larry the Cat. 3rd Jessica Brown as Anna from Frozen.
Children 8-16 1st Sam Johnstone as Zika Virus, 2nd Sasha Jackson as Vinicious the Rio Mascot, 3rd Paulina as Avator.
Childrens Groups 1st Emma, Lucy & Jenny Thomson as Lion, Witch & Wardrobe,   2nd Ellie & Paige McBlain as Pringles, 3rd Archie & Logan O’Mara as Tom & Jerry
Individual Adults 1st Tamara Cook as Whittons Garden of the year, 2nd Lizzie Thomson as Mr. Blobby.
Mixed Groups 1st Barbour Family & Kym Cessford as Olympic Swimming Team Float, 2nd Helen Cessford & Mary Pringle as Morebattle 125yr of the Flower Show, 3rd Village Shop as 3 craws sat upon a wa.
Overall Winner of the Fancy Dress Cup: Emma, Lucy & Jenny Thomson as Lion, Witch & Wardrobe

Scarecrow Competition: will be displayed all week from 7th August onwards.
 Shield Winner 1st  Oyen – Rapunzel, 2nd Fiona Brownlee – Oor Wullie                        3rd Helen Cessford – Rio

Saturday 13th August Morebattle Games took place at the games field Morebattle Tofts

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