Festival Week 2022

Results from Week

 Sunday  –               Welly Throwing Competition  Girls  – Jenny Thomson,

                                Boys – Aaron Cleland, Ladies  –  Brogan Scott,  Men  –  Stan Scott.

Tuesday –              Beetle Drive Winner Logan O’Mara.   Booby  –  Debbie Garner,  

                               Pool Competition Winner  – Garry Mabon,  Runner-up  Alec Cleland

 Wednesday            Pet Show  – Prettiest Female Dog  – 1st Winnie – Paige McBlaine,   

                                2nd    Elsie & Ave – Debbie & Steve,  3rd Josie  –  The Douglas Family.

                              Most Handsome Dog  – 1st Bow – James Cook,

                                            2nd Glen – Aaron Cleland,  3rd – Russell  –  The O’Brien Family. 

                              Waggiest tail & Best Trick  –  1st Bailie – Edna Cleland, 

                                           2nd Lily  –  Jenny Thomson, 3rd Suzie – Alfie Stevens.                     

                               Reserve Champion Brandy  –  Kym Cessford, 

                                Winner – Winnie – Paige McBlaine.

Thursday                 Quiz night  -Winners 1st  “The Usual Suspects” (Murray Family &                      Debbie, Steve, Margaret & Lucy)   2nd “That’s what she said” (The O’Brien Family), 

                                  3rd Nice Table    (Jacksons & Mabon Family).

 Friday                       Fancy Dress Results Children 7yrs & under 1st Archie – Paw Patrol, 

                                     2nd Jorgy – Minnie Mouse, 3rd Erin – Cinderella.

                             Children 8-16yrs – 1st Aaron Cleland – Spitfire,  2nd Victoria Lees – Fairy.  

                         Childrens Groups 0-16yrs – 1st Douglas Family – Queens Platinum Jubilee, 

                                         2nd  Aoife & Lilee  – Twins from The Shining.

                            Mixed Groups more than 2  –  1st Cook Family  –  Flinstones, 

                         2nd Cleland Family – Wizard 0f Oz, 

                         3rd Equal  –  O’Mara Family  –  Lion, Witch & Wardrobe, 

                          &  Cook Family  –  Cars.   – 

                           Overall Winner – Aaron Cleland – Spitfire.

Rogues in your Garden –   Most Original  – Dawn Tomlinson Iron & Ironboard,  

                                         Most Correct Rogues Spotted –  Mary Pringle.

                       Duck Race Results 1st Lizzie Thomson,  2nd June Bell, 3rd Louisa O’Brien.

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