Festival Week 2010

Festival Week 2010 Events

The sashing of the  2010 Games Queen Took place during the service in Morebattle Church on Sunday 8th August at 11:15 am.

 Saturday 7th August Boys & Girls Five-A-Side Football competition

Junior winners: Robbie Thomson, Hamish Rodwell,  Stuart Banks, James De Bolle 
Junior runners-up: Nathan McEwan, Oscar Rodwell, Giuliana Di Lorenzo, Greg Cessford
Senior Winners: Bryan Johnston, Garry Mabon, Cameron Johnston, Jenifer Cessford, Carlo Di Lorenzo
Senior Runners-up: Damon Rodwell, Ben Stenhouse, Toni Di Lorenzo, Ryan Sudlaw, Graeme Lang

Sunday 8th August Family Day School Playfield 2pm

Penalty Kick
Junior Angus Bryce. Senior Andrew Bryce
Welly Throwing Boys Ryan Sudlaw. Girls Brogan Scott. Ladies Sharon Banks. Senior Stan Scott.
Bouls Drew Gibson      Competition Sweets Annie Smith

Monday 9th August Coffee Evening in Village Hall @7pm

Competition Basket Fruit: Sarena Cook

Quize in Templehall Lounge

Winners: Gail Gibson, Jeanie Mc Nulty, Eddie Young, Alistair Gray.

Tuesday 10th August Camera Club Exhibition in Institute

    Rag Bag Morris Dancers @ Templehall

Wednesday 11th August Whist & Dominoes in the Village Hall

Ladies 1st Chrissie Paterson. 2nd Mary Tait. 3rd Jean Rae. 4th Ann Hirst
Gents 1st Joan Kyle. 2nd Lynn Nichol. 3rd M Hogg. 4th Jimmy Douglas
Dominoes 1st Sylvia Henderson. 2nd Angela Cook. 3rd Sarena Cook.

Thursday 12th August Children’s Egg Hunt & Teddy Bears Picnic

Teddy Bears: 1st Jenny Thomson. 2nd Beth thomson. 3rd equal Liam Purves & Mathew Little
Egg Hunt: 1st Liam Purves. 2nd Mathew Little. 3rd Finlay Stobbs.
Treasure Hunt: 1st Jennifer Cessford, Emma Thomson, Rebecca Wood 2nd Giuliana Di Lorenzo, Alice Little, Lucy Thomson. 3rd equal Nathan & Finn McEwan & Sylvia Henderson, Regan Thomson, Kim Cessford.

Pet Show at School Playfield

Large Dog: 1st Angela Cook. 2nd equal Susan Di Lorenzo & Tamara Cook. 3rd Sylvia Henderson.
Small Dogs: 1st equal Kate Ferguson & Giuliana Di Lorenzo. 2nd Andrew Fleming 3rd equal Jennifer Cessfor & Susan Portsmouth.
Pet other than Dog: 1st Tamara Mallen. 2nd Emma Thomson. 3rd Tamara Cook.
Pet most like owner: 1st Kim Cessford. 2nd Stuart Banks. 3rd Neil Mallen.

Pool Competition in Templehall Challenge Cup

1st Garry Mabon. 2nd Thomas Banks.

Friday 13th August Fancy Dress Parade Judging at School Playfield

7 & Under: 1st Sam Johnston (Gordon Ramsey). 2nd Mathew Little (Robot). 3rd Reagan Thomson (Fairy Gardener).
8 to 16: 1st Angus Johnston (Rubbish Inspector). 2nd Finn McEwan (Moaning Lisa). 3rd Amy Bryce (Miss Print).
Childrens Groups: 1st Emma, Lucy, Jenny Thomson & Tamara Mallen (Cinderella). 2nd Campbell Thomson & Angus Barbour (Jedward). 3rd equal Archie Barbour & Iona Thomson (Woody & Jessie) & Katy & Angus Milne (Dorothy & Tin Man).
Individual Adults: 1st  Louise Bryce (Beckam). 2nd Lizzie Thomson (Star).
Mixed Groups: 1st Cook, Johnston & Edgar Families (Peter Pan). 2nd Kim & George Cessford  (Riders in the West).
Best Overall Cup Fancy Dress: Peter Pan

Parade followed to Family Disco in Temple hall Lounge thereafter, presentation of cups and results of the Scarecrow Competition.

Saturday 14th August Morebattle Games at Morebattle Tofts

Scarecrow Competition – Scarecrows displayed all week.

1st Carol Purves. (Tin Man).2nd Borthwick Family (Sporty Scarecrow). 3rd Drew Gibson (Policeman).

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